Training Rules

  • - Classes are 8am to 5pm (One-day Class). Tuition is $150 per rider. Check or money order can be mailed to:  Gulf Coast Motor­cy­cle Insti­tute 39271 Rein­ninger Rd Den­ham Springs, La. 70706

  • - Fee must be received prior to attend­ing the class.

  • - Class loca­tion may vary. We will post loca­tions on the blog for the dates sched­uled (you will also be noti­fied upon registration).

  • - All Courses / Obsta­cles are closed with­out instruc­tor present

  • - Per­sonal Safety Equip­ment must be worn at all times when oper­at­ing motorcycles

  • - All Stu­dents shall be aware with how to “Kill” their engine quickly in case of incident

  • - A “safe area” will be des­ig­nated where motor­cy­cles shall not travel

  • - NO pass­ing in obsta­cle courses

  • - No more than ONE motor­cy­cle in obsta­cle at a time

  • - An “ALL STOP” sig­nal will imme­di­ately require all motor­cy­cles to

  • stop and turn off engines

  • - All stu­dents must have a motor­cy­cle endorse­ment on their dri­vers license

  • - Proof of Insur­ance must be avail­able for stu­dent motorcycles

  • - If at any time a stu­dent does not under­stand the nature of an obsta­cle the stu­dent shall exit the course and stop

  • - Pro­fane cloth­ing, lan­guage and con­duct are prohibited

  • - No Alco­hol or Drugs on Insti­tute Premises

  • - “Hot-Dogging” or Unsafe Prac­tices will be grounds for imme­di­ate dis­missal with­out ben­e­fit of refund


  1. Hi,

    A friend of mine called today to gather some infor­ma­tion for my brother and I. I helped him buy a bike around Jan­u­ary which I am just let­ting him ride. He finally has all of his gear, got an endors­ment, etc. Although, one con­di­tion to him using my money is that he must take an advanced dri­ving course. You guys seem like the per­fect answer.

    Please e-mail me any infor­ma­tion on your classes so that he and I may par­tic­i­pate in a course some­time in the near future.


    Cole Black­burn

    • Hello Cole,

      We would love to help you! Your brother is lucky to have some­one look­ing out for him. I will email you very soon with the information.

      Look for­ward to work­ing with you, HB

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