June 4th

Posted by on May 28, 2011 in Uncategorized | 1 comment

We’re get­ting emails and calls about the June 4th class. FYI … that class is full.

One Comment

  1. Hi Guys — Need to know just how very much I appre­ci­ated all of the atten­tion you give each one of us dur­ing the class. Your knowl­edge and skill is superb. The fact that you are will­ing to share this knowl­edge and help us to achieve a por­tion of your skill is out­stand­ing. Every rider that has some seat time under his belt needs to take this class. I guar­an­tee you will learn some­thing. We should all take every class avail­able to us. It makes us bet­ter rid­ers. This class will def­i­nitely make you a bet­ter rider. I knew going home I was a bet­ter rider than when I arrived — and that was my goal.

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