About Us

For the first time, there is a com­pany ded­i­cated to train­ing indi­vid­u­als who want to enhance their rid­ing abil­ity in a more per­son­al­ized environment.

At GCMI, we under­stand your pas­sion for rid­ing. We want to help you become the best and safest rider you can be. Imag­ine leav­ing your dri­ve­way, head­ing for the open road with the con­fi­dence and skill nec­es­sary to make your trip as enjoy­able as possible.

 This is our vision. We want you to embrace the thrill of rid­ing; not just the idea of it. Hay­den Brown and David Wal­lace are vet­eran police motor­cy­cle offi­cers. Com­bined, the two bring you thirty years of “on duty” rid­ing expe­ri­ence and sev­en­teen years of instruc­tor know-how. Years of rig­or­ous train­ing lead them to first place hon­ors in numer­ous national police motor­cy­cle com­pe­ti­tions. As friends and col­leagues for many years, they have worked together on past endeav­ors to develop train­ing pro­grams specif­i­cally for the police motor offi­cer. Now, they are here for you. Don’t miss out on an oppor­tu­nity to take a glimpse into the exclu­sive world of the best in motor­cy­cle training.

 We may travel to your area, pro­vided there is enough class par­tic­i­pa­tion. We do, how­ever, pre­fer to limit the class to ten rid­ers. Finan­cially it would ben­e­fit us to attract as many rid­ers as pos­si­ble in each class; but that just isn’t our goal. We mold the train­ing to the expe­ri­ence and skill of each rider indi­vid­u­ally. The major­ity of our classes are eight hours long. We will pro­vide pri­vate lessons, as well as mul­ti­ple day classes.  Any ques­tions you may have about train­ing can be emailed to

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