"What A Riding School Should Be"

A custom fit for you

About Us

For the first time, there is a com­pany ded­i­cated to train­ing indi­vid­u­als who want to enhance their rid­ing abil­ity in a more per­son­al­ized envi­ron­ment. At GCMI, we under­stand your pas­sion for rid­ing. We want to help you become the best and safest rider you can be. Imag­ine leav­ing your dri­ve­way, head­ing for the open road with the con­fi­dence and skill nec­es­sary to make your trip as enjoy­able as possible.

Who Should Attend GCMI?

One of the ques­tions I hear the most has to be, “Who should attend the school?”  That’s easy. Every­one! Though I must admit, we would pre­fer you have some basic rid­ing skill. Our tar­get group truly is the per­son with some expe­ri­ence. When I say “every­one” should take this course, I actu­ally mean every­one should even­tu­ally take this course. It hon­estly isn’t designed for the per­son who hasn’t rid­den at all. Cov­er­ing things such as nomen­cla­ture would slow the school down.